Requirement of Silicon Materials for Silicon Metal Smelting


Requirement of Silicon Materials for Silicon Metal Smelting

The process of smelting metal silicon from silicon oxide minerals is a slag-free process. The selection of silica in chemical silicon smelting is relatively strict, not only with less impurity content, but also high mechanical strength, sufficient thermal stability, and suitable particle size composition. 

It is best to use silica for chemical silicon smelting. In its natural form, silica occurs either as an isolated quartz mineral, or as silica, a rock formed almost entirely of silica, or as sandstone in the form of silica. During the smelting process, some of the impurities and adherents contained in silicon oxide minerals for the production of chemical silicon are completely reduced, some are partially reduced, and some enter the product silicon in the form of compounds or generate slag. This not only increases energy consumption, reduces product quality, but also causes difficulties in the smelting process. Therefore, there are strict requirements on the chemical composition of silicon oxide-containing minerals used in chemical silicon smelting. It is required that SiO2 is greater than 99%, Fe2O3 is less than 0.15%, Al2O3 is not greater than 0.2%, CaO is not greater than 0.1%, and the sum of impurities is not greater than 0.6%. 

The silica used must be washed with water before smelting to keep the surface clean. The silica into the furnace is required to have a certain particle size. The particle size of silica is an important process factor in smelting. The suitable particle size of silica is affected by various factors such as the type of silica, electric furnace, capacity, operating conditions, and the type and particle size of the reducing agent, and should be determined according to specific smelting conditions. In general, the 6300KVA three-phase electric furnace requires a silica particle size of 8-100mm, and the 3200KVA three-phase electric furnace requires a silica particle size of 8-80mm, and the proportion of the intermediate particle size is larger. When the particle size is too large, unreacted silica will easily enter the liquid silicon because it cannot be adapted to the furnace binder and reaction speed, resulting in an increase in the amount of slag, difficulty in getting out of the furnace, a decrease in the recovery rate of silicon, and an increase in energy consumption, which may even result in furnace failure. bottom rise, affecting normal production. If the particle size is too small, although the contact surface of the reducing agent can be increased, which is beneficial to the reduction reaction, the gas produced during the reaction cannot be discharged smoothly, and the reaction speed will be slowed down. Granularity too small. The impurities brought in will increase again, affecting product quality. Silica less than 5mm generally should not be used in production.

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JBT produces and supplies silicon metal and ferrosilicon products, mainly products are silicon metal 553, 441, 421, 411 3303,2202, 97, silicon carbide, carbon raiser for steelmaking and casting industries. We also make electrolytic manganese metal, inoculants and nodulizers. 

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Silicon Metal Application in Electric and Chemical Industry


Silicon Metal Application in Electric and Chemical Industry

Now China has begun to join the ranks of countries producing and supplying chemical silicon, and the number of enterprises producing chemical silicon continues to increase. From a global perspective, the consumption of metallurgical silicon is more than that of chemical silicon. However, with the continuous development of science and technology, chemical silicon is used in the fields of organic silicon and semiconductor production, and is widely used in production. Silicone monomer and polymer silicone oil, silicone rubber, silicone resin building anticorrosion, waterproofing agent, etc. They have unique properties such as high temperature resistance, electrical insulation, radiation resistance, and waterproof. Used in electrical, aviation, mechanical, chemical, pharmaceutical, national defense, construction and other departments.

As the core of integrated circuits, more than 95% of electronic components are made of semiconductor silicon, and semiconductors are the backbone of the contemporary information industry. The optical fiber in the widely used optical fiber cable is also produced from metal silicon. Now the consumption of chemical silicon in the United States and the European Union has accounted for more than half of the total consumption of metal silicon. Chemical silicon is widely used as a high-tech field and an important basic industry, and its consumption tends to grow steadily.

As the core of integrated circuits, more than 95% of electronic components are made of semiconductor silicon, and semiconductors are the backbone of the contemporary information industry. The optical fiber in the widely used optical fiber cable is also produced from metal silicon. Now the consumption of chemical silicon in the United States and the European Union has accounted for more than half of the total consumption of metal silicon. Chemical silicon is widely used as a high-tech field and an important basic industry, and its consumption tends to grow steadily.

Raw materials for chemical silicon production Raw materials are a prerequisite for good work in the production of chemical silicon. Quartz rock is used as raw material for producing chemical metal silicon, and low ash carbonaceous material is used as reducing agent. The raw materials for producing chemical silicon by electric furnace method mainly include silica and carbon raw materials. The carbon raw material is mainly petroleum coke. There are high-quality anthracite or charcoal, and a part can also be mixed to increase the specific resistance of the charge. The raw materials are required to have the necessary purity and good responsiveness in order to meet the specifications of the product; the reducing agent has different responsiveness so that it can fully react with the quartz stone; the charge has different components and has different particle sizes, In order to make the charge electric furnace have a good effect through proper coordination.

Contact Us

JBT produces and supplies silicon metal and ferrosilicon products, mainly products are silicon metal 553, 441, 421, 411 3303,2202, 97, silicon carbide, carbon raiser for steelmaking and casting industries. We also make electrolytic manganese metal, inoculants and nodulizers. 

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Application and Difference of Ferrosilicon and FeSi Grains​


Application and Difference of Ferrosilicon and FeSi Grains

Ferrosilicon is a ferroalloy composed of iron and silicon. It is made of coke, steel shavings, quartz (or silica) and smelted in an electric furnace.

Ferro Silicon Applications

1. Ferrosilicon is an important deoxidizer in the steelmaking industry. Ferrosilicon is usually used for precipitation deoxidation and diffusion deoxidation. Brick iron is also used as an alloying agent in steelmaking.
2. Ferro silicon is also used as an inoculant and nodulizer in the casting industry. In the production of ductile iron, 75 ferrosilicon is an important inoculant (to help precipitate graphite) and nodularizer.
3. Ferroslicon is also a reducing agent in the production of ferroalloys. Not only the chemical affinity between silicon and oxygen is great, but also the carbon content of high silicon ferrosilicon is very low. Therefore, high-silicon ferrosilicon (or silicon alloy) is a reducing agent commonly used in the production of low-carbon ferroalloys in the ferroalloy industry.

Ferrosilicon grains are formed by crushing ferrosilicon into small pieces of a certain proportion and sieving through a sieve with a certain number of meshes. The small grains screened out are currently used as inoculants for foundries in the market.

Regular granularity of ferrosilicon grains: 0.2-1mm, 1-3mm, 3-8mm, or customized according to customer requirements.

Advantages of Ferrosilicon Grains:

Ferrosilicon grains can not only be used in the steelmaking industry but also a metallurgical material commonly used in the iron casting industry. This is mainly because ferrosilicon grains can be used to replace inoculants and nodularizers. In the cast iron industry, the price of ferrosilicon grains is far Lower than steel, and more easily melted, are castable ferroalloy products.

Contact Us

JBT produces and supplies silicon metal and ferrosilicon products, mainly products are silicon metal 553, 441, 421, 411 3303,2202, 97, silicon carbide, carbon raiser for steelmaking and casting industries. We also make electrolytic manganese metal, inoculants and nodulizers. 

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