What is Silicon Metal?

FAQ What is Silicon Metal? Silicon metal is used as an alloying agent to improve the mechanical properties of aluminum. The addition of silicon to aluminum increases its strength, hardness, and wear resistance, while also improving its ability to withstand high temperatures. Silicon is added to molten aluminum in the form of aluminum-silicon alloys, which … Continue reading "What is Silicon Metal?"

Is Silicon a Metal?

NEWS Is Silicon a Metal? No, while silicon shares some characteristics with metals, such as being a good conductor of electricity and having a metallic luster, it is not considered a true metal. One of the main reasons silicon is not classified as a metal is that it does not have the typical physical properties … Continue reading "Is Silicon a Metal?"

What are the Advantages of Silicon Metal 553, 441 and 3303?

NEWS What are the Advantages of Silicon Metal 553, 441 and 3303? Silicon metal 553 is a high-grade silicon metal alloy that is commonly used in a variety of industrial applications. It is a product of the refining process that converts raw materials such as silica, coke, and wood chips into pure silicon metal. Silicon … Continue reading "What are the Advantages of Silicon Metal 553, 441 and 3303?"

Does Calcium in Silicon Metal have Negative Effect?

NEWS Does Calcium in Silicon Metal have Negative Effect? The calcium content in silicon metal can have both positive and negative effects on its properties, depending on the intended use of the silicon metal. In general, low levels of calcium in silicon metal are desirable for applications that require high-purity silicon, such as the semiconductor … Continue reading "Does Calcium in Silicon Metal have Negative Effect?"

What Can Silicon Slag be Used for?

NEWS What Can Silicon Slag be Used for? Silicon metal slag is a byproduct of the production of silicon metal. It is formed when silicon metal is heated with coke and a flux in a submerged arc furnace, and consists of various compounds including silicon dioxide, iron oxide, aluminum oxide, and calcium oxide. Silicon metal … Continue reading "What Can Silicon Slag be Used for?"

How Aluminum in Ferro Silicon Effect the Production of Steelmaking and Casting?

NEWS How Aluminum in Ferro Silicon Effect the Production of Steelmaking and Casting? The aluminum content in ferro silicon can have a significant impact on the production of steel and casting products.When aluminum is added to ferro silicon, it can act as a deoxidizer in the steelmaking process. This is because aluminum has a high … Continue reading "How Aluminum in Ferro Silicon Effect the Production of Steelmaking and Casting?"

Difference of Ferro Silicon 72 and 75, Which One is Better?

NEWS Difference of Ferro Silicon 72 and 75, Which One is Better? Ferro silicon 72 and ferro silicon 75 are two different grades of ferro silicon alloy that have different silicon content. Ferro silicon 72 typically contains around 72% silicon, with the remainder being iron, aluminum, and other trace elements. Ferro silicon 75, on the … Continue reading "Difference of Ferro Silicon 72 and 75, Which One is Better?"

JBT produces and supplies silicon metal and ferrosilicon products, mainly products are silicon metal 553, 441, 421, 411 3303,2202, 97, silicon carbide, carbon raiser for steelmaking and casting industries. We also make electrolytic manganese metal, inoculants and nodulizers. 

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